Anesthesia Business Consultants (ABC), a leading provider in billing and practice management for the anesthesia and pain management specialty, is pleased to announce that it has yet again submitted to become a Qualified Clinical Data Registry (QCDR) for the 2017 reporting year via its company-developed MiraMed QCDR. ABC supported its client’s quality needs in 2016 by becoming a QCDR and collected quality and outcome data on over 20 million patients. This data infrastructure becomes an extremely valuable resource for its clients in light of the 2017 Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) implementations by The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) of the Medicare Access and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) legislation.

“ABC has been proud of our commitment and forward-thinking position in the industry and our QCDR is another representation of our ability to accommodate and anticipate our client’s needs,” states Tony Mira, President and CEO of ABC. “In a political environment that could potentially see great change, ABC has devoted the resources and personnel to ensure that our clients are protected from any penalties and support their long-term strategic goals.”

The MiraMed QCDR, which ABC will utilize for 2017, includes options for individuals, and will also support group reporting under the PQRS Group Practice Participating in the Group Practice Reporting Option (GPRO). Not only will the QCDR be utilized for quality reporting, but will also support reporting under the categories of Improvement Activities (IA) and Advancing Care Information (ACI). This enables ABC to support its clients in a way we’ve not been able to in previous years and aligns to our MACRA Made Easy platform.

“The progression of the ABC quality program includes support for traditional anesthesia, chronic pain and endoscopy practices, as well as other specialists around the perioperative area such as surgeons,” comments Bryan Sullivan, Chief Quality Officer with Anesthesia Business Consultants. “With continued pressure on our clients to bring value-added services to its patients and partners, ABC believes that the QCDR and the surrounding requirements of MIPS can be leveraged to bring about cohesive change to all clinical facilities and practitioners. With our active enrollment expected to exceed 7,000 providers in 2017, we believe that our data benchmarking capabilities will promote and protect our clients for future years of reporting as well as the additional benefit of rich data mining capabilities to identify any issues or otherwise unseen trends in their practice or patients.”

About Anesthesia Business Consultants

Anesthesia Business Consultants (ABC), established in 1979, is the nation’s largest billing and practice management company dedicated to the complex and intricate specialty of anesthesia and pain management. The heart of our perioperative suite of products is ABC’s proprietary practice management software F1RSTAnesthesia. Our newest tool is F1RSTCode, an anesthesia-specific ICD-10 documentation app. F1RSTClient is a premier client portal that allows clients’ secure and seamless access to ABC’s applications. F1RSTAnalytics, our powerful suite of dashboards and reports, provides “Insight at Your Fingertips” offering real-time data prowess and providing the data to aid in operating your anesthesia practice as an effective clinical organization and successful business. Our solutions provide accurate, prompt and complete billing and revenue cycle management. Our exclusive focus improves your cash flow and profitability. Visit ABC at: