Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Analysis of the Global Academic Lecture Capture Solutions Market" report to their offering.

This research service covers the global market for academic lecture capture solutions. Detailed global market trend analyses - including market drivers, market restraints, technology trends, and a pricing discussion - are provided in this research. Detailed revenue forecasts are provided. The global market has been segmented into North America and Latin America (NALA), Asia-Pacific (APAC), and Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA). A competitive landscape, in terms of major participants and market share analysis, is also provided. The base year is 2015 and forecasts run to 2022.

Key Topics Covered:

1. Executive Summary

2. Market Overview

- Lecture Capture Solutions in the Overall Digital Media Value Chain, Global, 2015

- Research Scope

- Market Definitions

- Use Cases and Terms

- Market Overview - Regions Covered

- Regional Market Lifecycle Analysis

- Regional Market Lifecycle Analysis Discussion

- Lecture Capture Solutions - Features and Value Proposition

- Understanding Lecture Capture Solutions-Scenarios

- Understanding LCS - Use Case Scenarios

- Percent Revenue by Product Types

- LCS - Deployment Models

- Key Questions This Study Will Answer

- Revenue by Distribution Channel

- Revenue by Distribution Channel Discussion

3. Drivers and Restraints - Total Academic LCS Market

4. Forecasts and Trends - Total Academic LCS Market

- Forecast Assumptions

- Revenue Forecast

- Revenue Forecast Discussion

- Percent Revenue Forecast by Region

- Revenue Forecast by Region

- Revenue Forecast NALA

- Revenue Forecast NALA Discussion

- Revenue Forecast EMEA

- Revenue Forecast EMEA Discussion

- Revenue Forecast APAC

- Revenue Forecast APAC Discussion

- Sales and Pricing

5. Market Share and Competitive Analysis - Total Academic LCS Market

- Market Share

- Competitive Environment

- Vendor Segmentation - Academic LCS Market

- LCS - Competitive Landscape Analysis

- LCS - Competitive Factors and Assessment

- Market Leaders - Academic LCS Market

- Market Challengers - Academic LCS Market

- Directory of Selected Other Vendors - Academic LCS

6. Major Trends in the Academic LCS Market

- Impact of Major Trends on the Academic LCS Market

- Major Trends Discussion

7. The Last Word

8. Appendix

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