CHICAGO, IL, January 31, 2014 - MCA honored two of its members - Randy Ridenour, president of Atlas Bolt and Screw,  and Dale Nelson, president of Roof Hugger Inc. - with prestigious volunteer service awards, the Larry A. Swaney Award and the Patrick R. Bush Volunteer Service Award, respectively, at its Annual Meeting on January 27. Both recipients were on hand to receive the awards.

Karl Hielscher, Chair of the association, presented the Swaney award to Ridenour and noted that colleagues praised Ridenour as a longtime, active member of the MCA Board of Directors and very supportive of association activities. It also was noted that he brought significant business acumen to the MCA Board and has been involved in the association's long term success in growing the markets served and making sure MCA has always been fiscally responsible.

Dale Nelson was recognized for more recent volunteer contributions to the association and industry, with his significant input to the success of METALCON International's MCA Demo area. Colleagues mentioned Dale's interest in enhancing the METALCON brand and willingness to move the association's position ahead of his own personal gains.

The awards presentation took place during the Awards Dinner on January 27 during the MCA Annual Meeting in Clearwater, Florida.

For more information and images, please contact Cathy Szmurlo at
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