
AGA Contacts:

Jennifer O'Shea, 202-824-7023


Jake Rubin, 202-824-7027

New York, NY - In a speech to the New York Society of Security Analysts today, American Gas Association Chairman Gregg Kantor emphasized the energy revolution taking place in every community in the United States. Kantor cited the important role that the more than 200 natural gas utilities play in operating a system of over 2 million miles of natural gas pipelines carrying our nation's domestic abundance of clean natural gas to homes and businesses throughout the country safely and reliably. These companies, he said, are providing solutions for our economy and our environment.

Kantor highlighted data from the "Fueling the Future with Natural Gas: Bringing it Home" study released last week by the American Gas Foundation and IHS CERA, which found that the domestic market for natural gas can be greatly expanded beyond its current usage to provide new growth prospects for many sectors of the economy.

"Innovation and technology has dramatically changed the energy future of our country," Kantor said. "We are seeing technological advancements taking place with regard to natural gas appliances, vehicles and even industrial applications. I believe that what we see today is just a fraction of the promise this energy source can offer. We have yet to imagine the possible end-uses and opportunities natural gas can provide."

The safe and reliable delivery of natural gas remains the top priority of the American Gas Association and its members. Kantor outlined other initiatives underway in 2014, including enhancing energy efficiency programs and efforts to pursue a level regulatory playing field where the inherent benefits of natural gas are able to compete fairly with other energy sources. He also examined technologies and potential growth markets such as combined heat and power and natural gas for transportation.

"To realize the full potential of a natural gas-fueled future, we must update many policies surrounding natural gas that were developed during a time when natural gas was perceived to be scarce. All Americans stand to gain from visionary thinking that follows the market reality supported by our abundance of clean natural gas," Kantor stated.

Gregg Kantor is President and CEO of NW Natural, which provides natural gas service to approximately 689,000 residential, commercial and industrial customers in Oregon and Southwest Washington.

To learn more visit www.FuelingTheFuture.org.

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The American Gas Association, founded in 1918, represents more than 200 local energy companies that deliver clean natural gas throughout the United States. There are more than 71 million residential, commercial and industrial natural gas customers in the U.S., of which 94 percent - over 68 million customers - receive their gas from AGA members. Today, natural gas meets almost one-fourth of the United States' energy needs.

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