WASHINGTON, Jan. 17, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The American Council On Renewable Energy (ACORE) released a statement of appreciation of its past President and CEO, Dennis McGinn, on the occasion of a briefing today by McGinn, "Powering the Navy's Energy Future." The event was hosted by the Pew Charitable Trusts at the U.S Naval Heritage Center.

Secretary McGinn was the second President and CEO of ACORE, serving from April, 2011 to August 2013. Under his leadership, the organization refocused its mission and programs, increasing the organization's effectiveness and reach. McGinn transitioned out of ACORE to serve in his current role as the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Energy and Installations.

Speaking about his predecessor, ACORE's present President and CEO, Michael Brower said, "I retired from the Navy in 1993. Then, as now, Naval Aviation writ large was a small, select group. Everybody above the rank of Navy Lieutenant knew everybody else by name, reputation or legend. I knew Denny McGinn.

"So fast forward to July 11, 2002--as a relatively new member of ACORE, I was a delegate to ACORE's inaugural Policy Forum. And there, in uniform, was Vice Admiral McGinn as a featured speaker talking about national security and renewable energy," continued Brower.
"Denny McGinn is a true renewable energy treasure which increases in value with every iteration of his remarkable career as Naval Aviator, Aircraft Carrier Commanding Officer, Fleet Commander, business executive, President and CEO of ACORE, and now, in his new gig across the river. Admiral McGinn 'gets it' about the strategic importance of energy—and water—to global security, economics and environmental quality, and the world is a better place because Denny McGinn 'gets it,'" ended Brower.
During McGinn's tenure, and because of his inclusive ethic, ACORE strengthened its connections throughout the industry, championing and speaking up for renewable energy in the press and in public, and fighting misinformation and myths with the EnergyFactCheck.org website. As the economy recovered from the 2008 recession, ACORE steadily promoted the "triple bottom-line benefits of renewable energy," McGinn's message of the economic, national security, and environmental benefits of renewable energy.
"It was a rewarding experience to serve on the ACORE Board during Denny McGinn's tenure as CEO. He built a strong consensus among major constituencies and increased the effectiveness of the organization and inspired confidence among ACORE's membership during a very challenging period for renewable energy," added Michael Ware, Managing Director of Advance Capital Markets.

Secretary McGinn's expertise in the military's use of renewable energy was key to the formation of ACORE's National Security & Defense Initiative, which examines the technological and financial opportunities and challenges related to the expanded use of renewable energy in support of national defense. He noted that renewable energy, above all, is crucial to military mission effectiveness and enhancing national security. In collaboration with its members, ACORE's Initiative highlights innovative ways the purchasing power of DoD and the ingenuity of private sector industries and financiers can be used to lower costs and support the military's mission. Since its formation in 2012, the Initiative has convened the industry with military leaders at forums and provided strategic advice to the military services on their procurement of renewable energy.

"Secretary McGinn's impact on the renewable energy industry has been immense," said Joe Desmond, Senior Vice President, Marketing and Government Affairs for BrightSource Energy. "His ability as a consensus builder has been instrumental for the renewable energy sector during a period that saw significant growth but also new challenges that rapidly scaling industries face. Secretary McGinn was able to successfully leverage his knowledge of renewable energy and relationships in the sector to create a unified industry voice in Washington."
About ACORE:

ACORE, a 501(c)(3) non-profit membership organization, is dedicated to building a secure and prosperous America with clean, renewable energy. ACORE seeks to advance renewable energy through finance, policy, technology, and market development and is concentrating its member focus in 2014 on National Defense & Security, Power Generation & Infrastructure, and Transportation. Additional information is available at www.acore.org.

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         (202) 777-7552

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