Supporters of school choice from every side – public, online, private, homeschooling, and everything in between – will gather in an unprecedented demonstration of support for increasing opportunity in education throughout Kentucky.

On Friday, January 27, at 10 a.m., more than 500 supporters are expected to gather on the state capitol steps for a celebration including student performances, parent and school leader testimonials, and remarks from state leaders, including Senator Ralph Alvarado and Representative John “Bam” Carney.

The goal of the event is to show broad demand for expanding school choice in Kentucky and to celebrate the great schools that already exist. The celebration is timed to coincide with National School Choice Week (January 22-28, 2017), which will feature more than 21,000 events across the country.

“The momentum for expanding education opportunities in Kentucky has never been stronger," said Julia Crigler, state director of Americans for Prosperity – Kentucky. "Parents and grassroots activists look forward to making their voices heard by the General Assembly at Kentucky’s first National School Choice Week rally.”

“National School Choice Week has the ability to bring together every type of student, parent, and educator to celebrate the opportunity that makes each way of learning possible,” said Andrew Vandiver of the Catholic Conference of Kentucky. “Let’s start the new year by focusing on the positive success stories from every type of school and student on a statewide scale.”

The event is being planned by EdChoice Kentucky, Catholic Conference of Kentucky, Americans for Prosperity – Kentucky, Kentucky Educational Alliance, School Choice Scholarships, Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, and the Catholic Education Foundation.

Held every January, National School Choice Week is an independent public awareness effort designed to shine a positive spotlight on effective education options for every child. Through more than 21,000 independently planned events across the country, National School Choice Week raises public awareness of all types of educational choices available to children. These options include traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online learning, private schools, and homeschooling.