LOS ANGELES, Jan. 2, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- As 2014 and the end of the holiday season comes to a close, convenience store owners everywhere have the opportunity to take stock of their year of operations, assess their status, and strategize for the new year. Unlike larger stores and grocery chains, convenience stores have less shelf space and move fewer products. This gives them a greater opportunity for experimentation while minimizing the risk of financial loss. As a major distributor of C-Store items, including wholesale energy drinks, LA Top Distributor understands the need for convenience store owners to stay competitive by trying different stores layouts or by carrying different products. These are some strategies owners can try, with little risk, to remain successful throughout 2015.

    1. Take down holiday decorations: Most owners already know that decorating
       for the holidays is important. Statistics show that customers enjoy a
       festive environment, and will be spurred to purchase more as a result.
       However, it's also equally important to take those same decorations down
       after the New Year. Many owners and establishments let decorations
       linger, but this will have the opposite effect on customers. Lingering
       decorations give the impression of oldness which customers will
       inevitably associate with store products. Because giving customers the
       feeling that shelf products are old or out of date is the last thing an
       owner would want, it's better to take down those lights and reefs.
    2. Cycle out holiday products: Similar to holiday decorations, it's equally
       important to cycle out holiday products. This is slightly more out of an
       owners control because manufacturers often release special holiday labels
       and packaging for their products, and it's extremely difficult to make
       sure they're all sold before the New Year. Nevertheless, this offers a
       unique opportunity. Holiday products can be marked down and placed on
       sale. A savvy owners will make special shelf space for marked down
       holiday items, and will promote those items in the store with signage.
       Even if the mark down is only a few cents, it will encourage sales of
       those items, and help the store get rid of holiday packaging and
       promotions quicker.
    3. Keep promoting special items: Just because the holidays are over doesn't
       mean a store owner has to eliminate all special offers and deals. A store
       should continue to find reasons to highlight special deals and new
       products and to cleverly use the shelf space to highlight those products.
       Other holidays like Valentine's Day are obvious and are important to take
       advantage of, but many products have special "winter editions" and the
       store can use shelf space to reflect that.

A successful convenience store owner stays engaged with their store to always provide their customers with a fresh and kinetic experience. To help them achieve this, they need the support of a trusted and experienced distributor that has the knowledge and the product inventory to keep owners supplied with the products they need. LA Top Distributor is a major supplier of essential C-Store items, including cigarettes at wholesale prices to help owners stay competitive. As one of the LA area's main wholesale tobacco distributors, in addition to supplying a wide range of other products, LA Top Distributor helps ensure owners can keep their doors open from 2015 and beyond. For more information on LA Top Distributor, call 213-624-7224, or reach them online at http://www.c-store-wholesale.com/.

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To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/3-tips-for-preparing-your-convenience-store-for-the-new-year-300015211.html

SOURCE LA Top Distributor