Last year tied with 2015 as the fifth-warmest year, since record-keeping began in 1880

The world's average global temperature is now 1.1°C to 1.2°C higher than pre-industrial times

and the last nine years were the warmest since the pre-industrial period

putting the Paris Agreement's goal to limit global warming to 1.5°C in serious jeopardy

"At the rate that we're going, it's not going to take more than two decades to get us to that. And the only way that we're not going to do that is if we stop putting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere." (Gavin Schmidt, NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies director)

The changing climate fueled weather extremes across the planet in 2022

Europe suffered its hottest summer on record

Pakistan floods killed 1,700 people and wrecked infrastructure

and wildfires ripped through Mediterranean countries

Despite the world's major emitters pledging to slash their net emissions to zero

global CO2 emissions continue to rise