BrainChip Holdings Ltd. and Frontgrade Gaisler announced their collaboration to explore the integration of BrainChip's AkidaTM neuromorphic processor into Frontgrade Gaisler's next generation fault-tolerant, radiation-hardened microprocessors. This collaboration represents a significant milestone as it aims to introduce the first space-grade SoC worldwide with incorporated true artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. These next generation microprocessors would include BrainChip's AI processing capabilities, thereby enabling a considerable step forward in the computing resources available for space-borne systems. In particular, the inclusion of the Akida neuromorphic processor aims to deliver compelling power efficiency and inference performance while maintaining compatibility with existing Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs).

Space programs are increasingly turning to neuromorphic AI technology to overcome the latency and power consumption demands that are hindering those within the sector. The goal in integrating AI and neuromorphic computing into space technology is to strengthen deployments that require more autonomy and adaptability by providing the ability to learn on device and adapt in environments with constantly changing variables.