The board of directors of China Electronics Optics Valley Union Holding Company Limited announced that Mr. Tian Maoming (?Mr. Tian?) has tendered his resignation as the chief financial officer of the Company (?Chief Financial Officer?) with effect from 16 May 2024 due to change in his work arrangements. Mr. Tian has confirmed that he has no disagreement with the Board and there is no matter relating to his resignation that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. The Company is now actively seeking to identify an appropriate candidate to fill the vacancy of Chief Financial Officer and will make an announcement once an appointment is made.

During the interim period, in order to ensure the normal operations of the Company, Mr. Huang Liping (?Mr. Huang?), an executive Director and the president of the Company, will temporarily assume and perform the responsibilities and duties of the Chief Financial Officer until a new Chief Financial Officer is appointed.