Ondas Holdings Inc. announced that Airobotics successfully completed a proof-of-concept (PoC) of the Optimus Drone Infrastructure in an industrial facility in Abu Dhabi in June 2023. The completion of the PoC program with UAE-based partner SkyGo is a significant milestone in advancing a $3.5 million multi-system deal previously announced in February 2023. Airobotics will continue to advance the fleet deployment of Optimus System around the city of Abu Dhabi to provide aerial data and services to industrial and governmental entities.

Airobotics is deploying a network of smart drones in Abu Dhabi called the Optimus Urban Drone Infrastructure. The drones will be used for a variety of purposes, including aerial priority delivery, monitoring, and data collection. The infrastructure is designed to operate sustainably and scalably, and it will be used to provide public services for Public Safety use cases and to improve industrial operations in Oil & Gas facilities and other critical infrastructures such as ports and railways.

Airobotics is active in the UAE and other countries and plans to establish permanent infrastructure with fleets of automated drones that do not require on-the-ground human intervention to operate. These drones can operate as a task force to simultaneously collect and provide critical information for a variety of customer requirements. Airobotics' drone infrastructure is specifically designed for urban environments and strategic facilities that require immediate security, monitoring, and emergency response.

Each system within the infrastructure framework includes a smart airbase that enables automated battery changes for 24/7 operations. The airbase also automates the loading and installation of sensors appropriate for each specified mission. Each system covers a perimeter of up to 80 square kilometers surrounding an airbase.

Drone flights can be tasked to carry specific sensors, enabling every drone in the system to execute diverse tasks. Drones can be activated for complex longer-term operations, with flights overseen by remote operators in a command-and-control center.