Karbon-X Project Inc. has partnered with Revive Terra Corps to initiate a biochar manufacturing project at a former rubber plantation in Liberia. This collaboration marks a significant step towards combating climate change, enhancing biodiversity, and fostering economic growth in one of Africa's most resource-rich yet underutilized regions. Under the agreement, Karbon-X will lend its expertise in project design, implementation, and the marketing of voluntary carbon offsets.

In exchange, Karbon-X will receive a 50% share of all future biochar offsets generated, symbolizing a shared commitment to environmental restoration and sustainable development. The partnership encapsulates a comprehensive plan including the supply of Vario L+ biochar units, on-site commissioning, training, and the provision of essential services to ensure the project's success. This project represents a holistic approach to revitalizing abandoned rubber tree plantations, thereby addressing critical issues such as economic stability, food security, and environmental restoration in Liberia.

Liberia, with its vast equatorial rainforests and fertile agricultural lands, presents an ideal setting for this initiative. The rubber plantation, spanning 245,000 hectares along the Sinoe River, offers a unique combination of secondary forest and previously cultivated land, now poised for transformation into a biochar production hub. This venture promises to leverage local resources and labor, contributing significantly to the region's economic development and sustainability goals.

The project is poised to deliver substantial social assistance, including healthcare, retirement benefits, and support for local infrastructure such as hospitals and schools, in a region that has faced nearly 100% unemployment since the Liberian civil war. By tapping into the growing market for sustainable wood products and energy generation, Revive Terra is set to generate increased returns for shareholders while fostering environmental stewardship and community empowerment. Karbon-X brings a wealth of experience and innovation to the partnership, ensuring the project's success and sustainability.

With a history of partnering with industries across the spectrum to meet ESG goals, Karbon-X stands ready to democratize access to carbon credits, enhancing the project's global reach and impact. This partnership between Karbon-X Project Inc. and Revive Terra Corps represents a visionary approach to restoring natural habitats, combating climate change, and revitalizing local economies through innovation and sustainable practices. It signals a hopeful future for Liberia and a model for sustainable development worldwide.