At the Annual General Meeting on April 30, 2024, Engie's Board of Directors will propose the following changes to the composition of the Board of Directors:

- The appointment of Michel Giannuzzi as an independent director to replace Lord Peter Ricketts of Shortlands, whose term of office will expire at the end of the Annual General Meeting;
- The reappointment of Fabrice Brégier as an independent director, whose term of office will also expire.

Engie believes that Michel Giannuzzi's experience as an executive of listed industrial companies, his international experience, his knowledge of industrial sectors and decarbonization issues, will 'complement the experience and skills present on the Board'.

If the AGM follows the Board's recommendations on this appointment and on the proposed renewal, the number of directors will remain at 14, including 60% independent directors and 50% women, says Engie.

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