Silver Star Properties REIT, Inc. announced that Mr. Alex Board has been unanimously appointed and approved by the Executive Committee of Silver Star to be the Principal Accounting Officer and Deputy Chief Financial Officer of Silver Star. Mr. Board's direct report will be to Gerald Haddock as Chief Executive Officer and Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company. In addition, he will continue to have direct responsibility to the Company's audit committee.

Mr. Board has served as a Controller of the Company since 2021. He will continue as Controller and will also be responsible for the preparation of the financials relating to a 100% subsidiary of the Company, Southern Star Self Storage Investment Company. In conjunction with the Company's deeper examination of the current operations of Southern Star, Mr. Board has been assigned oversight of the financials of Southern Star.

Furthermore, in connection with streamlining the Company's reporting, Lou Fox has been directed to focus all of his time to the matters at hand with Silver Star. Previously, Southern Star has been operated autonomously and that will generally be continued, but supplemented with oversight by Silver Star, together with Mr. Board's new oversight and direct responsibility for the financial reporting as previously stated. With new management now in place, the initial focus for Southern Star turnaround efforts includes a focused reduction in tenant delinquencies to enhance revenue and create more leasable spaces.

Management will implement a programmatic approach to engagement with community influencers and organizations, including homebuilders, civic clubs, chambers of commerce, political contacts, and others to increase customer acquisition opportunities and enhance market penetration, with an emphasis on a strong ongoing community touch at each location. Facilities will be cleaned and maintained at a high level and security measures will be enhanced where necessary. All locations will promote this change with a banner announcing, "Under New Management." Mr. Wheeler has implemented a strong messaging program to all operators and has replaced two employees at the top.