Wenye Group Holdings Limited announced it has entered into the Subscription agreement of f 237,600,000 new Shares, at the subscription price of HKD 0.055 per subscription share for gross proceeds HKD 13,068,000 on June 7, 2024. The transaction includes participation from HK Monkey Asset Management, Lee, Shenzhen Xinhengfeng, Kong and Mak. The shares are held in lock -up for 365 days from the completion date. 148,013,600 Subscription Shares will be allotted and issued to HK Monkey Asset Management, Mr.
Lee and Shenzhen Xinhengfeng pursuant to the Specific Mandate proposed to be sought from the Shareholders at the EGM, while 89,586,400 Subscription Shares to be allotted and issued to Kong and Mak pursuant to the Specific Mandate proposed to be sought from the Independent Shareholders at the EGM.