Syntekabio announced the signing of a strategic Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the bioSeedin, a subsidiary of ACROBiosystems. Under this agreement, the two companies will collaborate to leverage bioSeedin/ACROBiosystems' global network for the promotion of Syntekabio's AI drug active compound database, STB LaunchPad, as well as its AI-driven drug discovery technologies. Given the synergies between the Syntekabio and bioSeedin offerings, the companies will jointly seek pharmaceutical clients for Syntekabio's drug discovery technologies and compounds and bioSeedin's global therapeutics licensing and drug development supporting network. STB LaunchPad is a database of active compounds derived from Syntekabio's disease-agnostic synthetic drug candidate discovery AI platform, DeepMatcher.

It contains compounds targeting over 130 proteins related to more than 15 diseases. This platform allows for the initiation of drug development from the active compound stage and enables the discovery of active compounds for desired targets.