OptiBiotix Health plc notes the latest results from the human studies carried out at Roehampton University, London on OptiBiotix's SlimBiome. Study outcomes, awaiting publication, suggested SlimBiome® intake had a major impact on insulin response combined with significantly lower feelings of hunger, a lower desire to eat, and significantly higher levels of fullness within 15 minutes, for over two hours after consumption. This is one of four studies which have consistently shown SlimBiome® reduces hunger and food cravings leading to users both reducing the amount of food and changing the type of food they eat, to less calorie intense food leading to sustainable weight management.

This suggests that SlimBiome® can be used as a natural alternative to the current anti-obesity drugs on the market. These findings on the acute impact of one dose of SlimBiome® are consistent with those of a previous first study, also carried out by Professor Adele Costabile, published in the Journal of Functional Foods (November 2020) which showed that volunteers taking SlimBiome® for four weeks experienced a 21% reduction in cravings for sweet foods and a 30% reduction in cravings for savoury foods. SlimBiome® is availableherein sachets as SlimBiome Medical®/SlimBiome X3 or in meal replacements, bars, gummies, and soups/porridges and is increasingly being used by major sports nutrition brands to support lean body development.

The latest results from human studies reinforce findings that a mineral enriched prebiotic fibre complex can help reduce hunger by 27% and support the feeling of fullness by 35% offering a rapid and natural solution for those seeking support in weight management. The latest results from a study conducted by Professor Adele Costabile at the University of Roehampton using Optibitix's SlimBiome® saw 20 volunteers given 50g (12 teaspoons) of sugar with and without SlimBiome®. Study outcomes, awaiting publication, suggested SlimBiome® intake had a significant impact on insulin response combined with significantly lower feelings of hunger, a lower desire to eat, and significantly higher levels of fullness for over two hours after consumption.

These findings on the acute impact of one dose of SlimBiome are consistent with those of a previous first study, also carried out by Professor Adele and her team, published in the Journal of Functional Foods (November 2020) which showed that taking SlimBiome® for four weeks volunteers experienced a 21% reduction in cravings for sweet foods and a 30% reduction in cravings for savoury foods. Overall, 90% of volunteers lost weight and all volunteers reported a reduction in waist and hip circumference and lost body fat. In addition, volunteers improved their mood by 26%, suggesting they were losing weight without feeling hungry or craving for food making it more sustainable.

The results also showed a significant change in volunteers gut microbiome with a statistically significant increase in microbes associated with a lean body. These studies suggest that a natural ingredient like SlimBiome®, which was tolerated well in all studies, may offer a natural approach to managing hunger and food cravings to support weight management. Whilst using different mechanisms of action, SlimBiome® and anti-obesity drugs work in a similar way by regulating insulin response and promoting the feelings of fullness by slowing down stomach emptying.