9 January 2013 Ingenico Partners with Shift4 to Provide Merchants with a Processor-Neutral Secure P2PE Platform

Atlanta and Las Vegas January 9, 2013. Ingenico (Euronext: FR0000125346 - ING), leading worldwide provider of payment solutions, and Shift4 Corporation, the world's largest independent payment gateway, today announced a partnership that brings Shift4's neutral merchant-centric processors to Ingenico's open Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE) portfolio of offerings.

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As a dominant Point-of-Sale retail hardware provider to merchants in the U.S., we want merchants to take full advantage of the added values that accompany P2PE schemes by providing a range of choices that best fit with their processing needs," commented Scott Tubbs, vice president of Retail and Channel Sales at Ingenico North America. "What Shift4 has done is develop a uniform platform that allows merchants to switch banks and/or processors without changing their infrastructure - a truly processor-neutral solution." 

P2PE answers merchants' needs for secure mobile payments. Prior to this technology, merchants using mobile solutions were often storing unencrypted data on their devices and sending it over relatively unsecure mobile networks. 

P2PE offers merchants the ability to limit their sensitive card-data environment to literally the size of the swipe device," said Shift4 CEO Dave Oder. "They no longer have to worry about bringing their work stations, networks, and servers into PCI compliance, which used to be an expensive and time-consuming process."

Adding Shift4 to the equation means not only are merchants free to adopt mobile solutions or prepare for future technologies, but they can make the strategic business changes necessary to fully capitalize on these new capabilities. Ingenico's latest Telium 2 series devices combined with the P2PE solution remedy both of these merchant concerns. Not only does their P2PE capability reduce previous PCI-compliance concerns, their wide range of multi-lane signature capture, retail PIN pad, and mobile payment devices cover the full spectrum of merchants' needs, allowing them to securely accept and process all forms of payment including magnetic stripe, EMV chip card, contactless, and NFC-enabled mobile transactions.

Partnering with Ingenico gives us access to their excellent line of PCI-approved SRED Telium 2 series devices, which goes a long way towards Shift4 being listed as a PCI-validated P2PE solution provider," said Shift4 VP of Business Development Bob Lowe. "That certification is what our merchant customers have asked us to obtain, and we believe that Ingenico is the best possible choice to help us fulfill that request and address our customers' future security needs."

As a European company, Ingenico's devices already support EMV. The U.S. Chip-and-PIN (EMV) mandate for 2015 enables partners such as Shift4 to make a seamless transition for their merchants. 

Both companies will be attending and exhibiting at the National Retail Federation's Annual Convention & EXPO in New York next week (January 14-15, 2013). Merchants interested in taking advantage of the opportunities this partnership provides can stop by Ingenico's booth #1653 or visit Shift4 in booth #740. Those not attending NRF this year can request a list of supported devices by calling 702.597.2480 (option 3) or e-mailing marketing@shift4.com

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