PR Newswire/Les Echos/

October 18th, 2010

Sales at September 30th, 2010 

                              Excluding fuel            Including fuel
Gross sales
(in million euros)         H1 2010    Q3 2010      Year to         Year to
                                                 Sep 30, 2010    Sep 30, 2010
Guyenne et Gascogne 
parent company      208.3 +1.4%    129.4 +0.0%    337.7 +0.8%     448.7  +4.1%
Sogara              637.6 -4.2%    336.6 -3.3%    974.2 -3.9%   1,152.0 - 2.1%
Centros Comerciales 
Carrefour (Spain)
    Hypermarkets  3,726.8 -5.0%  1,976.3 -6.0%  5,703.1 -5.4%   6,179.0 - 3.6%
    Supermarkets    327.7 -6.2%    193.9 -3.5%    521.6 -5.2%     548.7  -4.2%

Since the new IFRS came into force, the subsidiaries Sogara and Centros
Comerciales Carrefour have been consolidated on an equity basis. As such, the
figure for consolidated sales is that of the parent company: 448.7 million euros

The third quarter of 2010 did not reveal any significant changes compared with
the trends seen previously: general sluggish climate, faltering food consumption
and persistent difficulties on non-food.

* The parent company has continued to achieve good performances on its
  supermarket network, thanks to the dynamic development of the Carrefour Market
  brand. However, following a satisfactory month in July, its hypermarkets have
  been affected by the slight drop in consumption, seen more specifically in the
  touristy regions midway through August and continuing into September.

* The Sogara subsidiary is gradually emerging from a difficult period during
  which some large units have been particularly affected, and it looks set to
  confirm its recovery over the coming months. There are already plans to adopt
  the main elements from the new Carrefour Planet concept across most of the

* In Spain, the stores have been affected by the still delicate economic
  environment, as well as food price deflation. However, thanks to its effective
  control over distribution costs, which has been confirmed, Centros Comerciales
  Carrefour is ready to emerge from this crisis without any major issues and
  seize new opportunities for expansion.

               2010 sales to be published on January 17th, 2011

The Guyenne et Gascogne Group's financial information and the full press release
with its appendix are available on the company's web site at: 

Press contact: Calyptus - Marie-Anne Garigue       
Tel: +33 1 53 65 68 63 - Fax: +33 1 53 65 68 60

Guyenne et Gascogne contact: Marc Léguillette
Tel: +33 5 59 44 55 00 - Fax: +33 5 59 44 55 77

ISIN: FR0000120289
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