2014-01-31 18:00:21

MISPOL (Resolution No. 120/2014)

Resolution No. 120/2014
of the Warsaw Stock Exchange Management Board
dated 31 January 2014

concerning the exclusion from exchange trading
on the WSE Main List of the shares of the company

§ 1

Pursuant to § 31.1.3) of the WSE Rules, in connection with the authorisation by Polish Financial Supervision Authority of restoration of the certificated form of the shares in MISPOL S.A. (waiving of share dematerialisation), the WSE Management Board resolves to exclude as of 11 February 2014 from exchange trading the shares of the company MISPOL S.A. coded as "PLMISPL00011".

§ 2

This Resolution shall come into force on the date of adoption.

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