Vladan Crha

Marketing Director

Tel.: +420 267 218 133

Mobil: +420 739 607 562

E-mail: crha.vladan@ifortuna.cz

Petr Šrain

PR manager, Spokesperson

Tel.: +420 267 218 195

Mobil: +420 739 607 527

E-mail: srain.petr@ifortuna.cz

These contacts are primarily for journalists. Therefore, unfortunately, we can not guarantee that we will be able to react to non-media enquiries within the desired deadline. If you are a Fortuna customer, you can also send your question to helpdesk@ifortuna.cz or connect with us some other way. Thank you for your understanding.

Fortuna will not exercise call option for Fortuna HR (Croatia)

The Management Board of Fortuna Entertainment Group NV („FEG") decided on August 3, 2011 not to exercise a call option for all shares in Fortuna HR held by Equinox Investments B.V for a price offered by a third party.

Fortuna HR was incorporated in June 2001 in Zagreb and currently offers retail and on-line betting through its branch network in Croatia. During 2009 and 2010 Fortuna HR was incorporated into FEG, however later on, FEG decided on the subsequent exclusion of Fortuna HR from the Group and all shares in Fortuna HR held by FEG were sold to Equinox Investments B.V. for consideration of EUR 1. Equinox Investments B.V. is a part of Penta Investment Group. Subsequently, FEG entered into an agreement with Equinox Investments B.V. under which it had a call option for all shares in Fortuna HR held by Equinox Investments B.V. In case FEG does not acquire shares in Fortuna HR for the indicated amount, Equinox Investments B.V. could sell the shares in Fortuna HR to a third party and the call option will expire with respect to the shares sold to the third party.

On 3 August 2011, the Management Board of Fortuna Entertainment Group NV received a notice from Equinox Investments B.V. inviting FEG to exercise the call option for all shares in Fortuna HR pursuant to an offer from a third party. The Management Board of Fortuna Entertainment Group NV decided not to exercise the call option and communicated its decision to Equinox Investments B.V.

„The Management Board has duly considered and evaluated the offer submitted by Equinox Investments B.V. and we have decided not to exercise the call option for Fortuna HR. At the moment, our key priority is to focus on a further development and growth of our core markets in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. Last month we launched the numerical lottery project in the Czech Republic and we are working on introduction of on-line betting in Poland. Meeting our targets and achieving our goals set in those projects is a main objective both for us and for our shareholders." said Ji

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