MUNICH (dpa-AFX) - Most people who reduced their energy consumption at the start of the energy crisis in early 2022 are still doing so today. This is the result of a representative survey conducted by the opinion research institute Yougov on behalf of the brokerage portal Check24. The survey results were made available to Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa in advance on Saturday.

The first question asked was who had reduced their consumption at the beginning of the energy crisis. The result: 72 percent. These were asked further: 50 percent of them stated that they were still saving the same amount of energy. According to the survey, 21% are still saving energy, but less than at the beginning of the crisis. 22 percent said they were saving even more than at the beginning. This means that a total of 93% of those who started saving at the beginning of the energy crisis are still saving today.

Only four percent said they were no longer saving. The remaining three percent did not say.

"Although energy prices are currently at a low level again, the majority of Germans are still saving on energy consumption," commented Check24 Managing Director Billy Scheufler. This shows how aware consumers have become since the crisis that saving energy is worthwhile./tob/DP/men