The supervisory committee of China Zheshang Bank Co. Ltd. announced that, pursuant to the Company Law of the People's Republic of China and the articles of association of the Bank, Mr. Du Quan ("Mr. Du") and Ms. Chen Zhong were elected as employee representative supervisors of the sixth session of the Supervisory Committee of the Bank at the general meeting of employees' representatives of the Bank on June 21, 2024, each with a term ending on the date of expiry of the term of the sixth session of the Supervisory Committee of the Bank, and each of them is eligible for re-election upon the expiry of his/her term of office. Mr. Du Quan, born in October 1970, is a member of the Communist Party of China and a senior economist with a master's degree in economics.

Currently, he serves as general manager of Internal Control and Compliance and Legal Affairs Department of the Bank and a member of the Party Committee of the Bank's Head Office. He served as an officer in the Planning and Credit Department and Comprehensive Planning Department of CITIC Bank Hangzhou Branch; the head of the Credit Assessment Office under Business Development Department of CITIC Bank Hangzhou Branch; deputy manager of the Credit Assessment and Management Department of CITIC Bank Hangzhou Branch; deputy manager of Business Department II under the Business Department of CITIC Bank Hangzhou Branch; assistant general manager of Corporate Business Management Department of CITIC Bank Hangzhou Branch; deputy general manager of the Credit Assessment Department and general manager of Risk Management Department of CITIC Bank Hangzhou Branch; general manager of International Business Department of CITIC Bank Hangzhou Branch; general manager of Risk Management Department and deputy director of the Credit Assessment Committee of CITIC Bank Hangzhou Branch; deputy general manager of Risk Management Department (Compliance Department) and manager of the Risk Policy Centre (risk monitoring officers contact centre) of the Bank; a member of the Communist Party of China, secretary to the Discipline Inspection Commission, a risk monitoring officer and vice president of the Shenzhen Branch of the Bank; a member of the Communist Party of China, secretary to the Discipline Inspection Commission, a risk monitoring officer, vice president and general manager of Credit Assessment Department of the Shenzhen Branch of the Bank and general manager of Development and Planning Department of the Bank. Ms. Chen Zhong, born in July 1974, is a member of the Communist Party of China and an assistant economist with a bachelor's degree.

Currently, she serves as general manager of Audit Department and a member of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Bank's Head Office. She served as an officer of Lanzhou Yantan Industrial City Industrial Co Ltd.; an officer of the People's Bank of China Huining County Branch, Supervisory Division I of Baiyin sub-division of the China Banking Regulatory Commission (the "CBRC") and State-owned Bank Supervision Department II in the CBRC Gansu Bureau; an associate chief officer of State-owned Bank Supervision Department II in the CBRC Gansu Bureau; an associate chief officer of On-site Inspection Department II in the CBRC Gansu Bureau; the chief officer of On-site Inspection Department II and City Commercial Banks Regulatory Department in the CBRC Gansu Bureau; second level senior manager of On- site Audit Centre II under Audit Department of the Bank; general manager of On-site Audit Centre II under Audit Department of the Bank; assistant general manager of the Audit Department and general manager of On-site Audit Centre II under Audit Department of the Bank; assistant general manager of Audit Department of the Bank; assistant general manager of Audit Department and general manager of Regulatory Affairs Centre of the Bank; deputy general manager of Audit Department and general manager of Regulatory Affairs Centre of the Bank; deputy general manager of Audit Department and general manager of Audit Department Nanjing Branch of the Bank.