Date Created: 03-06-2024

Date Created: 03-06-2024

2023 - 24 Gender Equality Reporting

Submitted By:

CAR Group Limited 91074444018

Redbook Inspect Pty Ltd 67125096077


i-Motor Pty Ltd 96133242798

Date Created: 03-06-2024

Date Created: 03-06-2024

Public Reports

Public report documents contains data which will be published in full by WGEA on the Data Explorer. They should, with public report documents, be taken to your CEO or equivalent for review, approval and sign off and must be shared in accordance with the Notification and Access requirements under the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012.

The following three documents make up your Public Report:

  • Questionnaire - Public Report
  • Workplace Profile - Public Report
  • Workforce Statistics - Public Report

Public reports are used for:

  • Review, approval and sign-off of the submission by your CEO or equivalent
  • Complying with the Notification and Access requirements outlined below
  • Keeping an internal record of what was submitted to WGEA for a particular year

Review, approval and sign-off:

The following documents must be reviewed by the CEO or equivalent of each organisation covered in this submission. More information found here.

  • Questionnaire - Confidential Report
  • Questionnaire - Public Report
  • Workplace Profile - Confidential Report
  • Workplace Profile - Public Report
  • Workforce Statistics - Public Report

Notification and Access requirements

To comply, an employer must do the following as soon as reasonably practicable:

  • Inform its employees and members or shareholders that it has lodged its report with the Agency and advise how the public data may be accessed
  • Provide access to the public data to employees and members or shareholders
  • Inform employee organisations with members in its workplace that the report has been lodged

More information found here.

Date Created: 03-06-2024

#Workplace Overview

Workplace Overview - Policies & Strategies

*1.1 Do you have formal policies and/or formal strategies in place that support gender equality in the workplace?

This question asks whether your organisation has 'policies' and/or 'strategies' in place that support gender equality in the workplace and what the policies and/or strategies include. These areas are considered key to achieving gender diversity in the composition of your workforce. If you do not have a policy and/or strategy in place, you will have the opportunity to indicate why.


Policy; Strategy

1.1a Do the formal policies and/or formal strategies include any of the following?

Recruitment; Retention; Performance management processes; Promotions; Succession planning; Training and development; Talent identification/identification of high potentials; Key performance indicators for managers relating to gender equality; Gender and other aspects of diversity

Provide details:

*1.2 Does your organisation have any targets to address gender equality in your workplace?

A target is an achievable, time-framed goal that an organisation can set to focus its efforts. A gender balance target is a goal for a specific group of people.


Reduce the organisation-wide gender pay gap; Increase the number of women in management positions; Increase the number of women in key management personnel (KMP) roles; Increase the number of women in male-dominated roles; To have a gender balanced governing body (at least 40% men and 40% women)

Date Created: 03-06-2024

Workplace Overview - Governing Bodies

1.4 Identify your organisation/s' governing body or bodies

Governing bodies are the group of people who formulate policy and direct the affairs of an institution in partnership with the managers. The core role of a governing body is the governance of an organisation. Governing bodies:

  • include voluntary boards of not-for-profit organisations
  • are not a diversity council or committee
  • are not a global diversity and inclusion team.

Some organisations have common types of governing bodies. For:

  • private or publicly listed companies - the governing body is one or more directors or a board of directors
  • trusts - the governing body is the trustee
  • partnerships - the governing body will be all or some partners (if they are elected)
  • religious structures - the governing body is a canonical advisor, bishop or archbishop
  • any other structure - the governing body is the management committee.

If you share a governing body with your parent organisation, then your governing body is the same as your parent's

You are required to provide details of each organisation's governing body. A governing body is defined as the one that has primary responsibility for the organisation's governance. As such, you must only report one governing body for each organisation covered in this report. Please note:

  • You must tick the organisation/s this governing body relates to.
  • If there are multiple organisations covered in this report you must tick all that relate to this particular governing body.
  • If this governing body does not cover all organisations, you should add another governing body after saving this one.
  • If you have already ticked an organisation in another governing body in this report, you must not tick it again below.

Organisation: CAR Group Limited

*A. To your knowledge, is this governing body also reported in a different submission group for this year's Gender Equality Reporting?


*B. What is the name of your governing body?

CAR Group Board of Directors

Date Created: 03-06-2024

*C. What type of governing body does this organisation have?

The type of governing body should be the one that has primary responsibility for the governance of each organisation ticked above.

Board of Directors

*D. How many members are in the governing body and who holds the predominant Chair position?

A Chair is the person who leads and chairs meetings of the governing body. In the situation of rotating Chair position for the meetings, the predominant gender of the people acting as Chairs for the meeting during the reporting period should be used.

X' is a voluntary option to cover members who do not identify as either male or female as defined in the reporting guide.

Female (F)

Male (M)










(excluding chairs)

*E. Do you have formal policies and/or formal strategies in place to support and achieve gender equality in this organisation's governing body?


Selected value: Policy; Strategy

E.1 Do the formal policies and/or formal strategies include any of following? Selection process for governing body members; Gender and other aspects of diversity

F. Does this organisation's governing body have limits on the terms of its Chair and/or Members?


Enter maximum length of term in years. If the term limit does not relate to a full year, record the part year as a decimal amount.

For the Chair: NA

For the Members: NA

*G. Has a target been set on the representation of women on this governing body?

Date Created: 03-06-2024

A target is an achievable, time-framed goal that an organisation can set to focus its efforts. A gender balance target is a goal for a specific group of people, in this case the governing body or board. Targets are different from quotas in that they are set by an organisation to suit their own results and timeframes. Quotas are set by an external body with the authority to impose them.


G.1 Percentage (%) of target: 40

G.2 Year of target to be reached: 2025-12-31

You are required to provide details of each organisation's governing body. A governing body is defined as the one that has primary responsibility for the organisation's governance. As such, you must only report one governing body for each organisation covered in this report. Please note:

  • You must tick the organisation/s this governing body relates to.
  • If there are multiple organisations covered in this report you must tick all that relate to this particular governing body.
  • If this governing body does not cover all organisations, you should add another governing body after saving this one.
  • If you have already ticked an organisation in another governing body in this report, you must not tick it again below.

Organisation: Redbook Inspect Pty Ltd

*A. To your knowledge, is this governing body also reported in a different submission group for this year's Gender Equality Reporting?


*B. What is the name of your governing body?

CAR Group Board of Directors

*C. What type of governing body does this organisation have?

The type of governing body should be the one that has primary responsibility for the governance of each organisation ticked above.

Board of Directors

Date Created: 03-06-2024

*D. How many members are in the governing body and who holds the predominant Chair position?

A Chair is the person who leads and chairs meetings of the governing body. In the situation of rotating Chair position for the meetings, the predominant gender of the people acting as Chairs for the meeting during the reporting period should be used.

X' is a voluntary option to cover members who do not identify as either male or female as defined in the reporting guide.

Female (F)

Male (M)










(excluding chairs)

*E. Do you have formal policies and/or formal strategies in place to support and achieve gender equality in this organisation's governing body?


Selected value: Policy; Strategy

E.1 Do the formal policies and/or formal strategies include any of following? Selection process for governing body members; Gender and other aspects of diversity

F. Does this organisation's governing body have limits on the terms of its Chair and/or Members?


Enter maximum length of term in years. If the term limit does not relate to a full year, record the part year as a decimal amount.

For the Chair: NA

For the Members: NA

*G. Has a target been set on the representation of women on this governing body?

A target is an achievable, time-framed goal that an organisation can set to focus its efforts. A gender balance target is a goal for a specific group of people, in this case the governing body or board. Targets are different from quotas in that they are set by an organisation to suit their own results and timeframes. Quotas are set by an external body with the authority to impose them.


Date Created: 03-06-2024 G.1 Percentage (%) of target: 40

G.2 Year of target to be reached: 2025-12-31

You are required to provide details of each organisation's governing body. A governing body is defined as the one that has primary responsibility for the organisation's governance. As such, you must only report one governing body for each organisation covered in this report. Please note:

  • You must tick the organisation/s this governing body relates to.
  • If there are multiple organisations covered in this report you must tick all that relate to this particular governing body.
  • If this governing body does not cover all organisations, you should add another governing body after saving this one.
  • If you have already ticked an organisation in another governing body in this report, you must not tick it again below.


*A. To your knowledge, is this governing body also reported in a different submission group for this year's Gender Equality Reporting?


*B. What is the name of your governing body?

CAR Group Board of Directors

*C. What type of governing body does this organisation have?

The type of governing body should be the one that has primary responsibility for the governance of each organisation ticked above.

Board of Directors

*D. How many members are in the governing body and who holds the predominant Chair position?

A Chair is the person who leads and chairs meetings of the governing body. In the situation of rotating Chair position for the meetings, the predominant gender of the people acting as Chairs for the meeting during the reporting period should be used.


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