21 August 2014
Market Announcements Office
Australian Securities Exchange
10th Floor, 20 Bridge Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Implementation of scheme of arrangement

Atlantic Gold NL ABN 82 062 091 909 (ASX:ATV) (Atlantic) is pleased to announce that the scheme of arrangement between Atlantic and its shareholders, under which it was proposed that Atlantic Gold Corporation (formerly known as Spur Ventures Inc.) ARBN 600 024 397 (ASX:AGB) (AGB) acquire all of the fully paid and partly paid ordinary shares on issue in Atlantic (Scheme), has been implemented.
The Scheme consideration, comprising either AGB common share CHESS Depositary Interests (CDIs) and AGB share purchase warrant CDIs quoted on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) or AGB common shares and AGB share purchase warrants quoted on the TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV), was issued to eligible Atlantic shareholders earlier today. All fully paid and partly paid ordinary shares on issue in Atlantic were then transferred to AGB.
It is expected that AGB common share CDIs and AGB share purchase warrant CDIs will commence trading on ASX on a normal trading basis on Friday 22 August
2014 (Sydney time). Trading in new AGB common shares and new AGB share purchase warrants issued to Atlantic shareholders as Scheme consideration (instead of AGB common share CDIs and AGB share purchase warrant CDIs) is expected to commence on TSXV on Thursday 21 August 2014 (Toronto time).
Atlantic intends to make an application to be removed from the official list of ASX. It is anticipated that Atlantic will be delisted as at the close of trading on Tuesday 26 August 2014 (Sydney time).

Name change

Effective 12:01 am on 20 August 2014 (Vancouver time), AGB changed its name from Spur Ventures Inc. to Atlantic Gold Corporation and its new trading symbol on TSXV is AGB. The name change is expected to become effective for ASX purposes on 25 August 2014 (Sydney time).

Suite 506

815 Pacific Highway

Chatswood NSW 2067


t (612) 9410 0993 f (612) 9410 0958

Atlantic Gold NL

ABN 82 062 091 909


Page 2 Resignation and appointment of directors

As foreshadowed in the scheme booklet prepared by Atlantic dated 26 June
2014, Ronald Hawkes, Robert Symons and Rodney Hanson will resign as directors of Atlantic effective from tomorrow. John Morgan, Irfan Shariff and Julie Fidler will be appointed as additional directors to the board of Atlantic as nominees of AGB.

Wally Bucknell Managing Director For further information please contact:

Wally Bucknell, Managing Director
Atlantic Gold NL
P: +61 (0)2 9410 0993
E: wallybucknell@atlanticgold.com.au

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