AIICO Insurance Plc has reiterated commitment to supporting a healthy community and potentially saving lives.

In essence, the company's staff successfully donated blood to the Lagos State Blood Bank in commemorating this year's World Blood Donor Day.

AIICO Insurance partnered with the Lagos State Government through the Lagos State Blood Transfusion Service for the initiative.

Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Manager of the company, Mrs. Abimbola Shobanjo, expressed the company's commitment to the good health and wellbeing of Nigerians at all times.

Shobanjo explained that the employees who donated their blood were motivated by patriotism and love for humanity in order to save those in need of blood transfusion for survival.

"World Blood Donor Day serves as a powerful reminder of the life-saving impact a single blood donation can have. We are proud of our employees who stepped forward today to answer the call and contribute to this vital cause." she said.

Meanwhile, AIICO Insurance has won the prestigious "Community Blood Drive Initiative" Award of the Lagos State Blood Transfusion Service in recognition and appreciation of its significant contributions to the success and impact of the LSBTC mandate of ensuring adequate and high quality blood supply in Lagos State.

The award notification letter to the Managing Director of AIICO Insurance from the Executive Secretary of LSBTS, Dr. B.I. Oshikomaya, explained that the award recognized AIICO's outstanding commitment, partnership and support to LSBTC through its in-kind donations and corporate social responsibility initiatives.

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