A2Z Smart Technologies Corp. announced that A2Z is excited to announce that Cart 3.0 is ready for deployment. This new version features a detachable control panel, overhauled software for seamless transition from 2.5 to 3.0 carts, reduced costs and weight of control panels, integration with a new generation security scale and continuous software improvement further enhancing the customer experience.

The control panel kits are designed for a four-minute retrofit on existing carts, and the check-in and check-out units (charging stations) are ready to be installed. The initial deployment of Cust2Mate 3.0 carts will commence across at least three chains on three continents, including Yochananof in Israel, Morton Williams in New York and Monoprix in France. Additionally, Cust2Mate 3.0 carts have been shipped to local partners in France, Romania, Central America, Thailand and Australia in anticipation of further deployments.

A2Z continues to enhance its theft mitigation solutions and infrastructure, introducing new measures for anomaly detection and corresponding actions based on identified anomalies. The Company is developing AI-driven tools to improve weight discrepancy detection and reduce noise. These advancements enable A2Z and its clients to make informed product decisions, balancing theft mitigation with a frictionless user experience.

Additionally, a generic POS gateway has been developed to streamline integration with new partners and customers. The market appetite for smart cart solutions has significantly increased, with almost all large chains actively seeking solutions to address their pain points. A2Z is in ongoing discussions with leading chains worldwide to integrate Cust2Mate smart carts into their stores.

To expedite time to market, the Company has adopted a new fast-track onboarding process. Retail Media is emerging as the fastest-growing digital marketing channel, offering significant revenue potential for retailers worldwide. The Cust2Mate 3.0 smart cart is positioned as a natural platform to bring Retail Media to physical stores, representing a potential game-changer in the industry.

A2Z views retail media as a significant revenue generator and is in discussions with several retail media players to form mutually beneficial partnerships, further boosting market penetration and tapping into new advertising revenue streams. The analytics and dashboard tools in A2Z's 360-management system have been revamped, with augmented dashboards for cart performance and store operations, and new dashboards for store managers to monitor store performance. Retail Media performance measurement and management tools have also been developed. A2Z's platform now supports integration with retailers and third-party BI and Data systems through newly developed APIs, and the data infrastructure has been overhauled to enhance structure, databases, queries, analyses and presentation.