Canola Growers Embrace New 2025 Industry Targets
Winnipeg, Manitoba - January 10, 2014   Canada's canola farmers are enthusiastic about the future growth opportunities presented in the canola industry's new strategic plan, "Keep it Coming 2025".  Announced yesterday in Winnipeg by Canola Council of Canada (CCC) Chairman, Terry Youzwa and President, Patti Miller, the growth-oriented plan will see Canada's canola industry expand to 26 million tonnes of sustainable production and market demand by 2025.
"As farmers we're continually looking for ways to innovate to meet market demand," says Todd Hames, President of the Canadian Canola Growers Association (CCGA).  "This new industry plan challenges the entire industry to implement leading edge innovation at every link in the value chain." Exactly what will be required to achieve these exciting and bold new targets, with a major driver coming from sustainable yields of 52 bushels per acre by 2025.
The canola industry successfully reached two previous industry targets, both which were considered a stretch at the time they were established.  Most recently, the industry exceeded the current "Growing Great 2015" goal of 15 million tonnes of sustainable production by harvesting 18 million tonnes of canola during the 2013 crop year.  Continued growth in the global demand for vegetable oils, combined with increasing consumer interest in healthier oils, were drivers of canola's success to date and will continue into the future. 
"By working collaboratively and harnessing the full capacity of all the players in the value chain, we can build the knowledge, infrastructure and capacity needed to realize these new industry goals," says Rick White, General Manager of CCGA.  "Canola farmers are excited about the opportunities this new plan presents, and are looking forward to working with the CCC and other members of the canola industry to move the bar and make these new goals a reality.    
CCGA represents more than 43,000 canola farmers on national and international issues, policies and programs that impact farm profitability.

Kelly Green
Director, Communications
t: 204.789.8821
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