Gwénaël Giard

Gwénaël Giard

Corporate Officer/Principal at Natixis SA (Broker)

Active connections

NameGenderAgeLinked companiesCollaboration
Orith Azoulay F -
16 years
Thibaut Cuillière M 50
10 years
Jean François Robin M -
17 years
Adil Reghai M -
16 years
Frédéric Goasguen M -
Christophe Pallard M -
16 years
Inna Mufteeva F -
10 years
Patrick Artus M 72
Thomas Combarel M -
5 years
Denis Prouteau M -
Christian Nucci M -
22 years
Lysu Paez Cortez F -
17 years
Cyril Regnat M -
19 years
Shamina Bhaidjy F -
12 years
Nils Lascot M -
10 years
Thomas Garnier M -
Cécile Pissis F -
Eric Rabarison M -
19 years
Guillaume Martin M -
Alexie Veslot M -
Camille Neuville F -
7 years
Cedric Merle M -
7 years
Céline Clari F -
17 years
Sandra Pereira F -
Kirill Talai M -
5 years
Jia Hui Hu F -
Bouchra Rhajbal F -
4 years
Radek Jan M -
Driss Ouazzani M -
4 years
Aymeric Mourrain M -
Samy Lakhdari M -
3 years
Isabelle Gravet F -
Cosme Rosellini M -
3 years
Charles-Albert Glaudon M -
2 years
Patricia Florez Cabra F -
Marilou Siano M -
2 years
Benoit Gerard M -
1 years
Bastien Aillet M -
2 years
Véronique Janod F -
9 years
Jesus Castillo M -
18 years
Maryline Perrinet F -
18 years
Florent Pochon M -
Raoudha Bouzekri F -
15 years
Sarah Emsellem F -
23 years
Tamare Evren F -
Benoît Maynard M -
Ivan Pavlovic M -
Géraldine Dumont F -
3 years
Philippe Denoyelle M -
14 years
Cédric Richard M -
17 years
Marouen Messaoud M -
20 years
Gilles Leclerc M -
14 years
Jean de Rochebouet M -
19 years
Cristina Peicuti F -
8 years
Nordine Naam M -
Sylwia Hubar F -
12 years
Thierry Cherel M -
2 years
Fanny Meindre M -
1 years
Jennifer Levy F -
Micaella Feldstein F -
17 years
Philippe Suchet M -
Emilie Tetard F -
Nathalie Dezeure F -
Nguyen My Hong F -
10 years
Theophile Legrand M -
See more

Connections Chart

Multi-company connection

Former connections

NameGenderAgeLinked companiesCollaboration
Jean-Christophe Machado M -
Eric Chadeyras M -
11 years
Cécile de Coincy F -
7 years
Joséphine Chevallier F -
Serge Demirdjian M -
12 years
Adel Ben Haj Yedder M -
Sanae Loulidi F -
Olivier Delahousse M -
12 years
Virginia Hééribout F -
17 years
François Digard M -
Antoine Boivin-Champeaux M -
5 years
Pierre Heydacker M -
Miguel Raminhos M -
4 years
François Baudet M -
3 years
Clémence Dumoncel-Kessler F -
Lucille Deplante F -
2 years
Arno Fontaine M -
2 years
Julie Dolle F -
Sébastien Malafosse M -
Thomas Le Quang M -
Elisabeth Zrihen F -
Arnaud Puiseux M -
3 years
Olivier Brochet M -
Emmanuel de Feydeau M -
Orianne Segaud F -
Ludovic Debailleux M -
Catherine Leveau F -
Boris Bourdet M -
Pascal Decque M -
1 years
Jacques de Greling M -
Sylvain Goyon M -
Elie Darwish M -
9 years
Rémi Savage M -


CountryConnections% of total
France 98 100.00%

Age of Connections





Members of the board


Origin of connections